Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Extremely Cool!

  Earlier in the year I was so honored to be invited on the set of the ABC show, Extreme Home Makeover. It was such an amazing orchestra of people, workers, security, machines, and production. A very well oiled machine, that resulted in a cool house for a neat family.

   My favorite part was seeing how the show was made since I am a BIG fan of watching it. They actually build 4 houses a month around the country so Ty Pennington had flown in that morning, from one house just for the scene to be shot and was off to do another house later that week.

   I wasn't able until now to publish my images due to the show airing and another party rights. I have chosen a few of my favorites for the Eyeblog and the rest are here: Extreme Home Makeover Photos Hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them. -no press was allowed in the well protected interior of the home, I was lucky to be on the front lawn during filming, was a rush!

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Email Cindi with an Eye


  1. Cindi that is awesome! I cry every time I watch the show. Talk about a once in a lifetime experience!!!

  2. Ashely KennardMay 25, 2010

    Great pics! Ty looks like he needs to wear a longer shirt though! (hahaha)

  3. @Ashely... you know I used to think he was sooo hot. I guess a man who can use a hammer is... but I mean butt. He needs to pull up his pants for sure!!
