Saturday, May 15, 2010, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Film preview trailers and more information:
The Organic Food & Film Festival will be held Saturday, May 15, 2010. Everyone is invited to enjoy a relaxed Saturday learning about organic food, expanding their health-care choices, and watching one, two or three life-changing and inspiring films:
* Academy Award-nominated "Food Inc." will be shown at 11:00 a.m. "Food Inc." is an eye-opening documentary that exposes the underbelly of large-scale industrial farming, the source of 97% of our food. Rated PG. Preview: http://www.foodincmovie.com/ (Click on “Watch the Trailer” about halfway down the left side)
* "The Future of Food," at 1:00 p.m., is an excellent expose of genetically modified food. "The Future of Food" takes viewers inside the web of market and political forces that are causing our supermarkets to be stocked with Frankenfoods. The film also exposes how huge multinational corporations are seeking to control the world’s food system. Rated G. Preview: http://www.thefutureoffood.com/Trailer.html
* At 3:00, "What's Organic About Organic?" will take viewers on a heartening visual field-trip to organic, chemical-free farms. This uplifting, 60-minute film will be introduced by its co-producer, Marty Mesh, who is the director of Florida Organic Growers. FOG will be present at the Festival all day to educate attendees about organic food, farming and certification. Rated G. Preview: http://whatsorganicmovie.org/watch-the-trailer/
This all-day event offers attendees a great opportunity to obtain a surprisingly in-depth education about the state of today's food. Local suppliers, including health food stores, holistic practitioners, and organic growers and gardeners, will be present to help guide attendees to healthier choices.
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