My daughters attend a school in the middle of a rural area which offers some beautiful scenery while I wait to pick them up after their art club meetings.
Megan has found it again! YOU GO GIRL! My favorite deal blogger on the web Megan at has made a slam dunk once again! TWO free photo books at CVS!
Don't even know what the 52 project is? MY spin on the 365...
Maybe you have heard of the 365 projects where you take, edit, and post a picture each day of the year. I mean, I love shooting, love editing, love sharing but I want days off too. So, here's the compromise...I am doing a 52 project. A post a week, five photos (M-F get it?!) and a theme to the five shots. Posted each Wednesday.
Week nineteen - lights
We took a family trip to Silver Springs Attraction for the festival of lights. What a great opportunity to play with shutter speed and exposure. I hope you enjoy my top five favorites. I wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas!
Email Cindi with an Eye
Would you like to receive the newsletter in pdf format in your email each quarter? That's one issue every three months. Specials, news, and useful information.
Send an Email Cindi with an Eyerequesting to be added to the e-mail list and it shall be done! PRESTO!
It all started when my cousin Joey had his head shot done and did this crop mark thing with his hands. It was love at first site! I decided to see how many people would shoot a photo of themselves or someone else doing a similar "cropped pose" with their hands. Well I've received 26 photos and am hoping for 74 more! I want to make a huge special surprise for the New Year!
So why are you holding off? Too busy to have fun? OK I get it... you need a prize!
Polished Salon in Ocala is amazing and I will give away a $50 gift certificate for services. This is how it goes.
1. Get out the camera and a friend.
2. Pose using the hands crop like in these examples.
3. Post the photo on Cindi with an eye's facebook wall for submission.
4. Be picked at random on Thursday, December 23, 2010.
5. The $50 gift certificate will be mailed to you!
You can enter more than once by posting different people. You will not be entered if the rules above are not followed correctly. If you've sent in your photo already you too are eligible to win!
Well you aren't the only one?! YIKES! I guess mine will have to be New Years' cards...just like the year before last! HAHAHAHA!
So Fuji's See Here online photo print site has hit a home run with me. TONS of good reasons to finally place my order... now to find the right image. Oh how I wish I would have had a pro-portrait session for my family this year! At least I have a generous client that turned the camera on my family on a location shoot in St. Augustine! Thanks Angie *mwwah love ya!
Anyway back to the savings! Look closely at all the coupon codes and they are good until Dec. 22. The new customer offer is in addition to the other savings and that is good until the end of the year.
Tell me, did you find this savings useful? What did you order? HAPPY shopping, and if you need a digital negative from your shoot, just call and we'll talk turkey! 352.598.0271
SAVE $$$ First quarter 2011 special on portrait sessions and print credits!
Portrait Sessions regularly $120, are now $100, but only until Dec. 31st!
Buy your session today and use it anytime in the first quarter for a portrait session with Cindi.
Have you been wanting a session but keep putting it off?
Did you miss this year's portrait in the rush of life?
Have a family member that would love this gift this year?
Are you just crazy about photography and HAVE to have another session for yourself?!
Well now is the time to buy your session with Cindi!
You can also buy a print credit to use in your gallery in advance and save 25% off the price! A unique gift code will be issued to you.
OH saving never looked so good!
"My friend always has his camera."
"My mom cuts everyones heads off in pictures."
"We bought a nice camera and have NO idea how to use it."
"I love shooting but need to know more?"
Sound like someone you know?
Give private tutoring sessions from Cindi with an eye Photography!
$25 for a one hour on location lesson
$100 for 5 one hour sessions (these can be used over a 3 month period!)
What will be taught? What do you want to learn?
How to work with young subjects
Shutter/Aperture controls
Camera settings
Getting the best from your subjects
Cindi is an educator with eleven years experience, and has shot professional photography for two and half years. She loves sharing her knowledge with others in a fun and relax way. Clients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult on all private tutoring sessions.
Buy now and a gift certificate will be mailed to you, to use when you are ready!
Ever had that feeling, when you know you saw something but you can't believe your eyes?
Ok, here's the deal. I drive out to Sholom Park quite a bit for work and always enjoy the drive since no one is asking for a snack, singing a random song, or fighting for my attention. It's a time for ME! I look out the window, I let the breeze blow my hair, I close my eyes and day dream WHOA I'm driving here! So, out of the corner of my eye I see a striped horse, no a zebra, no couldn't be.
It's sunset, it's been a long day I didn't just see a herd of zebras grazing in an Ocala horse pasture?! And indeed I did. Enjoy the shots.
So Walgreens does it again! 25% off of $25 or more until December 15th. Click here to shop.
I haven't had time to select my own pictures of my family so I'll try and get my act together and order some 5x7 to mail out. Are you going to take advantage of this deal? Have you already done your cards?
OR do you still need to order a digital negative for your design. Contact me for an image taken by Cindi with an eye! Email Cindi with an Eye
You say PotAto, I say potahto, we ALL say Potato soup! One of my favorite childhood recipes and dinner experiences was POTATO soup! I know it's the life of a frugal kid, but HEY it was a rich life!
I recently got 5 lb bags of potatoes BOGO at Publix and you know what that means... potato soup marathon! So I peeled 10 lbs of potatoes and froze the soup for a later date and of course we had soup that night for dinner.
So here's the deal... You make the soup according to the recipe (see below) and then you GO BANANAS with the toppings. In our house we have added: hot dogs, cheddar cheese, mozarella, crackers of all sorts, bacon, chicken, pork, beef, bologna, seasonings (cavendars of course!). NOW settle down, we didn't put all of these ingredients in all at once, ok maybe we tried it once, but the idea is to use what is left over in the fridge to dress up the basic potato soup.
Scroll down below the photos to see the recipe, I hope you try it and fall in love. It's such a fun and cheap way to feed the family.
Leave a comment below or photos of your final bowl!
Week seventeen - Potato soup!
Soup Recipe
3 tbsp. margarine or butter
1/2 onion chopped
4-5 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
Instant mash potatoes (a box)
Powered milk, 1/2-3/4 cup
Saute onions in butter. Meanwhile, boil water and place into it the potatoes. After potatoes have boiled and they are soft, remove them with a slotted spoon. Set the potatoes aside in a bowl and SAVE the water. Add the powered milk to the water, stir it in. While milk is lightly boiling add the instatn mashed potatoes to consistency you want your soup to be (I like it thick). Return the cooked potatoes, onion and desired seasoning to the pot. Serve soup plain and let your guest "Dress it for Success!"
Walgreens photo is offering some special online photo deals until Dec. 11th. I haven't even ordered my own!!! But we should all do for others before we do for ourselves, the world would be a better place.
Ok, so if you need a digital negative of your favorite shot, email me and we'll talk turkey!
It all started with Ponticello Photography in Buffalo, New York. Joe Ponticello, owner/operator is my cousin. I fell head over heels with his profile pic and wanted to see how many people would do the same pose. So began the social experiment, a way to be social!
A little fun for all.
STEP 1: Make a picture of yourself using the same pose and composition.
STEP 2: Post it on Cindi with an eye's wall on facebook.
STEP 3: On New Years' Day 2011 I will post a super duper surprise!
These specials are good until 12-8-10 so jump on them now for some serious savings. OH and if you need digital negatives from Cindi with an eye. Contact me at 352.598.0271 or Email Cindi with an Eye
We have a swing on a large tree in our backyard and ohhh the JOY it brings to my face and some other little cute faces too.
Do you sit still during an activity and wait on the shot? Try it. Organize an activity for those you love and then sit back with the camera and capture the RAW joy that happens. Would love to see the results. Are ya gonna try it? Leave a comment below.