This all started when Journey (first grader) was studying worms in class, they were learning all about them and raising their own in little cups of soil. When the unit ended and the projects were complete the worms came home to live with us. They didn't last long since we had no idea how to properly care for them. Oh, the disappointment that washed over her face when she realized they had run away only to dry up on the back porch.
Her birthday was only a couple weeks after the "incident" so she had convinced us that we should get her more worms that she could play with. Hmmmm? worms as toys? I wasn't quite sure that this would fit in with our family. I recalled meeting the good people of "Dirty Worms" at a Natural Awakenings film festival and gave them a call. Brad and Becky were quick to call me back and inform me of my options in home worm farming and how easy it all could be. I still wasn't sure this was for us. Then they said, "we are having a harvest at the farm this weekend if you'd like to visit, you'll learn a lot."
We (the entire family) hopped in the truck and headed to the Dirty Worm farm in Ocklawaha, FL WOW what a cool setup. We had a vip tour of the facility and learned so much about worms, their life cycle, their castings (aka poop) and how they are harvested in a productive and humane system. It's just amazing! Of course my camera was there to capture the finer parts of the farm! Enjoy the photos.
Then we made our own worm farm in a hot pink tub to take home. Our worms are doing well and haven't had any problems so far. We love composting in to the tub and visiting them from time to time. There is no odor and they seem to keep to themselves under all that rich soil. We even got a bag of castings to use in our plants, so excited to see the results of this rich and natural fertilizer.
Want castings of your own?
Want a worm farm?
Need to know more?
Want to talk to Brad and Becky?
Dirty worms has a website HERE and it's definitely worth a visit.
Or call them at 352-857-7381

Email Cindi with an Eye
Cindi's Website